What I admire though, about these Catwalk mishaps, are that the models got up with grace and a big smile and carried on, when it probably would have been easier to lay in the middle of the catwalk and have a good old cry into their Proenza Shouler and Chloe.
And anyway it adds a bit of fun and takes away the pretense. I think someone should actually instruct their models to accidentally on purpose take a tumbl on the way down the catwalk for a bit of drama. Mr McQueens the man!...
Whoops A Daisy!
Kamila M takes a fall at Vivienne Westwood.
I feel so sorry for this girl! She got up again with grace only to have another slippery fall right at the end. And it took about five seconds for her to actually reach the ground. Try not to be tempted to search for it on YouTube...
Footsie Roll: Iekieline Stange
"I was just adjusting my shoe!" Duhh.
Faux Pas: Elise
Poor, poor Elise! But look how she improvises and walks back swinging her heels from her hands. And bless the front row woman who helps her up. They're not all backstabbers!
Good Trip, Lara Stone?
Falling over on a catwalk in front of the fashion world's snootiest queens? Or falling over on the catwalk of the fashion world's snootiest queen-Karl Lagerfeld. I think we know which is worse!
Jessica Stumble
Offf! Makes the palms of my hands feel slightly painful watching this, but also makes me want to laugh.
Have a great rest of the week!
S xx
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