For my make- up remover, I always rely on good ol' Pond's Cold Cream to remove mascara excess on my eye area and to deeply clean any smudges around my eyes. After taking a bath, there are still extra mascara smudges left to clean so I leave it to Pond's CC to do the job.
And to remove waterproof mascara, baby oil is my best bet.
I've never really thought of buying expensive oil cleansers. Besides, oil feels hot on skin and though some brands promise that they're non- greasy, i assume that there's still some grease to these oils because naturally, they're oil.
A graphic designer friend designed a poster for one of Shu Uemura's product launches. Lucky guy, he received a gift pack from Shu including a Shu paperbag and 50ml samples of the UV base, Oil cleanser, moisturizer, face cream, facial cleanser and sample eyeshadow pots. And lucky me, he chose me as one of his beneficiaries. So I decided to choose SHU UEMURA SKIN PURIFIER HIGH PERFORMANCE BALANCING CLEANSING OIL.
THE VERDICT: One of the reasons why I like this product is how it effectively removes waterproof stuff in an instant. A little amount is very effective so I'm pretty sure this oil will last me long. It has a funny scent though because it reminds of ACEITE DE MAZANILLA (the oil your folks put on your tummy when it aches when you were younger :)) But nevertheless, this skin oil cleanser really does the job. It's kinda' greasy, but unlike the consumer baby oils. This dries in an instant, leaving your face soft, without a trace of grease.
Would I buy the big bottle? Hmm...No. But I'd love to have this as a gift. This is one of the products that you could look for an alternative at a cheaper cost. This oil may be worth your money but I think this is waay too expensive.I only use oil before bedtime and wash it off my face during the morning. It's not like I have to go to school wearing the skin oil cleanser on my face. So I'm better off with my Johnson's baby oil and Ponds cold cream to remove my make-up. In fact, I could have 20 Johnson's baby oils with the money that i'll be using to purchase Shu Uemura's! Now that's gonna last me a lifetime. But if you have money to spare, try this. If you're on a budget, Johnson's and Ponds will do the trick. But if you have the money and would rather spend wisely, go for Johnson's and Ponds. :)

And to remove waterproof mascara, baby oil is my best bet.
I've never really thought of buying expensive oil cleansers. Besides, oil feels hot on skin and though some brands promise that they're non- greasy, i assume that there's still some grease to these oils because naturally, they're oil.
A graphic designer friend designed a poster for one of Shu Uemura's product launches. Lucky guy, he received a gift pack from Shu including a Shu paperbag and 50ml samples of the UV base, Oil cleanser, moisturizer, face cream, facial cleanser and sample eyeshadow pots. And lucky me, he chose me as one of his beneficiaries. So I decided to choose SHU UEMURA SKIN PURIFIER HIGH PERFORMANCE BALANCING CLEANSING OIL.
Would I buy the big bottle? Hmm...No. But I'd love to have this as a gift. This is one of the products that you could look for an alternative at a cheaper cost. This oil may be worth your money but I think this is waay too expensive.I only use oil before bedtime and wash it off my face during the morning. It's not like I have to go to school wearing the skin oil cleanser on my face. So I'm better off with my Johnson's baby oil and Ponds cold cream to remove my make-up. In fact, I could have 20 Johnson's baby oils with the money that i'll be using to purchase Shu Uemura's! Now that's gonna last me a lifetime. But if you have money to spare, try this. If you're on a budget, Johnson's and Ponds will do the trick. But if you have the money and would rather spend wisely, go for Johnson's and Ponds. :)
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