For our 36th monthsary, hubby took me to Enchanted Kingdom for a change. We were talking about theme parks one time in the car and I've told him that I've never been to EK. EVER.
I know right, I'm a loser. :p
Hubby told me that he wanted to experience all the things that I wanna do. And he wanted to be the first one to take me to EK.
And he remembered that I told him in the car that I want to go to EK before the summer ends.
Then one Thursday night, he handed me two tickets to Enchanted Kingdom for Friday, May 07 (our monthsary).
*Gushes* Randy really knows how to make me happy. :)
Below are a some pics of our EK adventure.
Btw, this post is PICTURE HEAVY. :)
Nice "shops". :)
At the Boulderville! :)
We just had to take a pic with the wizard. :p
Rialto. I must say that this is one corny place. Maybe Speed Racer iss the one that's really corny.
Hahahah. I wanted to ride the carousel for quite some time now. But hubby won't allow me to ride the one in MOA 'cos he said that there are a lot of guys there who would want to check my legs out. :p
I love this "street" in EK. It reminded me of Belle's hometown in Beauty and the Beast.
Didn't get to ride the Wheel of Fate because hubby's feeling a bit dizzy.
Hahaha. WHAT A FACE (I'm talking about mine).
We had a great day. Headed to Paseo, Sta. Rosa for Starbucks then went home. :)
I know right, I'm a loser. :p
Hubby told me that he wanted to experience all the things that I wanna do. And he wanted to be the first one to take me to EK.
And he remembered that I told him in the car that I want to go to EK before the summer ends.
Then one Thursday night, he handed me two tickets to Enchanted Kingdom for Friday, May 07 (our monthsary).
*Gushes* Randy really knows how to make me happy. :)
Below are a some pics of our EK adventure.
Btw, this post is PICTURE HEAVY. :)
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