Here's a purchase to help me achieve the body that I want.
As you all know, I've been constantly working out and dieting to achieve a toned and firm body. For some who were able to read my long entry about my lifestyle change, you can recall that I've been doing strength exercises and circuit exercises to help me build and strengthen my muscles.
Here's another FYI for my dear readers. Too much cardio and too much strength exercise can burn muscles. Meaning, you won't get great muscle definition. Well, I don't want to look like Chyna from WWF, but I want my muscle definition to be good and obvious.
As you all know, I've been constantly working out and dieting to achieve a toned and firm body. For some who were able to read my long entry about my lifestyle change, you can recall that I've been doing strength exercises and circuit exercises to help me build and strengthen my muscles.
Here's another FYI for my dear readers. Too much cardio and too much strength exercise can burn muscles. Meaning, you won't get great muscle definition. Well, I don't want to look like Chyna from WWF, but I want my muscle definition to be good and obvious.
Here's my haul for the week. Twin Lab Whey Protein mix in Vanilla Slam. Protein shakes are great post- work out foods. A glass of protein shake can be used as a substitute for a post- workout meal. If you want optimum muscle definition, protein shakes are highly recommended. It's like eating a plate of pure protein. As you may know, Protein is the building blocks of muscles. And gulping a glass of protein shakes helps your muscles become stronger, making you look leaner and toned in the long run.
Protein shakes are very convenient in times where you don't have enough food choices. So to prevent yourself from falling off the track, a protein shake in hand proves to be very handy in times like this. It's not food, but it's much much better than starving yourself before you find a place where you'll have more food options! The trick to burning more and boosting your metabolism is frequent feeding in ample amounts, not starvation. So if you're the type who like feeding yourself less because you think you're gonna get fat, I'm sorry to tell you this but, you're messing up with your metabolism. And you will not burn fat effectively.
You might say "Whoa, that's expensive!". Well, 'tis true, 'tis true. In malls, a gallon like this can cost at around 3- 4k, depending on the brand. But the PX stores in Cash and Carry is a haven for body builders on a budget. Believe it or not, I got this small gallon (there's a bigger gallon. There are 2 sizes for protein shake mixes) for 1000PHP only. Twin Lab is a good brand. I'd love to get myself Designer Whey (a brand) but it's around 1800php. But if you're going to think about it, a small gallon of Designer Whey would cost around 3- 4k in malls. So before you say that the 1800php is expensive, do some comparisons first and you'll realize that you DID save a lot if you're going to buy from C&C than those health and well- being stores in malls.
Hey, dieting requires money. But it doesn't require a LOT. :)
**PX stores to check out for cheap Whey protein shakes and supplements in the mezzanine level of Cash and Carry are Tia Loleng's and Anselka's. I am not affiliated with the stores in any way, nor have received a gift from them. This is solely for the purpose of information.
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