
Thursday, January 7, 2010


Hello darlings! Sorry for being MIA for a few days. I was a bit busy and I was waiting for the items that I'll be reviewing in my blog. My mom went to Singapore for a business trip and she's now back. So without further adieu, here are my crazy Sephora hauls:

But before anything else, a Xend package was in my bed today and it came from Sol (Lelila to most of you).

It's a gift from her! YAY! Thank you so much Sol, I was all smiles when I found out what this is because I never expected that an online friend would actually consider giving me a gift! Someone that she hasn't even seen in person! Haha! I'll make a separate post for this so you guys stay tuned! 

Super thanks again sol! :)

And here's a new item, which is a Guerlain Terracotta Light Bronzer Powder in Brunette 02. I just got it from a swap from sis Shai from makeupswapph. Visit the site girls, a lot of the members are putting up interesting items for sale. :) I got this in exchange of an ELF Studio Candid Coral blush! Isn't it a great deal? It's like buying this at the price of ELF prods! :)

EEEP!!! My Sephora Pasalubong from Singapore courtesy of mom! :) 

Well, she got herself a couple of aromatherapy products, shoes and told me that she almost bought a bag from bonia worth 20k in Philippine peso. Well, good thing she was able to control herself.  She said that the sight of our house that's almost done popped into her head. She then decided to purchase it next time and use the 20k to buy herself a new gas range. Good job ma'!

And here are generous freebies from Anna Sui. I'm lovin' the Night of Fancy perfume sample. It just smells absolutely gorgeous! I might get that as my next perfume. :)

Yummy tasting body scrubs. :) Can't wait to take a bath tomorrow. :)

Nice gold bath tub toilettries stand. Perfect as an accent in our bathroom in our new house. :)

Sephora brand goodies! I love their powders so I really asked mum to get me these. And she also got these liners and eyeshadow that she'll borrow from me because she likes the colors. :)

My favorite lot from all the pasalubongs. ANNA SUI! :) YAY! MY BELOVED BRAND. :)

Some more stuff from Wisma Astria: Burt's Bees beeswax with banana hand creme (2 for $10) and an accidental purchase, l'oreal extra volume collagene mascara.

And my last pasalubong loot is a pair of earrings.

It was bought from a store called Madame Butterfly. It came with a helpful card with instructions on how to take care of jewelries with pearls.

Pretty chandelier earrings from mum! Pearls are authentic south sea pearls and are peach- pink in color. It's perfect because Pearl is my birthstone. :)



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